Jun 10Liked by Harrigan

Traveller has always had Battle Armor. And in at least one version (TNE), you could even design them. But they were always overpowered, so unless you were running a military campaign, you couldn't let your players have them, otherwise they'd stomp everyone flat.

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I pondered Traveller for this, one of the 45 different versions out there, but... despite liking the aesthetic and the lifepathing and the core mechanic, it really doesn't do a lot for me otherwise. I probably *should* look at HOSTILE, though, and especially the Marine Handbook. Don't currently own that, so... we'll see.

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I get that about Traveller. It's NOT a Space Marine game. It's free traders zipping around, hauling cargo, and doing odd jobs while avoiding customs agents and pirates (basically, Firefly, though back in the 70s, MM was hoping for Star Wars minus the Force). Mercenary campaigns and fleet battles can be run with a few versions of the game (45 versions sounds about right ;-) but it's not the core focus of the game.

Hostile is on my radar, but I don't currently own it either. Haven't even heard of half of those games you listed, but that's because I was a one-game-guy for decades. But definitely curious to read what you have to say about them.

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There's some free / trial content available for HOSTILE, and I'll admit it emits a low-rent, early 90s vibe in terms of layout and information conveyance. Still, plenty of good games suffer from that kind of thing. I do intend to read it some day.

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Jul 20Liked by Harrigan

Took advantage of the Xmas in July sale at DTRPG and bought the Hostile rules and setting books for 50% off.

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Jul 20Liked by Harrigan

Mothership 1e Marines. 'Nuff said.

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I know MoSh 1e fairly well as you know, but I'm looking forward to putting a critical eye on the space marines action...

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Jun 13Liked by Harrigan

Obviously 40K comes to mind. Didn't they trademark 'space marine'? I wish I knew more about the world and system.

The ones I'm most familiar with, in your list, are Alien and Mothership, though they seem very meaty, as in not the exo-skeleton type found in 40k. Of course they can be adapted. Whichever route you go, I'm sure the game will be a blast!

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Yeah, 40k isn't quite what I'm after either in terms of vibe, where each marine is an absolute engine of destruction, genetically engineered to BE a space marine, etc.

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Jun 9Liked by Harrigan

The best game I've played that featured robust space marine times was Space Master (but Rolemaster based games are a hard sell). I really like Savage Rifts (Rifts with SWADE) too for the armor and gear mechanics, but you'd probably need other supplements like the Sci Fi Companion to fill in the spacey aspects.

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You and your Spacemaster. :)

Rolemaster games are a *very* hard sell with me, and I just verified this by playing Against the Darkmaster... where we are in the middle of a switchover to 2d20! On that note, 2d20 might be a good chassis for this too. I might peek at Dune and Homeworld to see what treatment marine-type forces get.

You've already reminded me of something -- I need to contact PEG on the status of an order I places -ages- ago, one associated with the newish players book. Was also supposed to get the Sci-Fi Companion in print, and I've seen absolutely nothing yet...

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You must watch Astartes parts 1-5 for some inspiration. This illustrates the badassery ascetic you are looking for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVXEYksoE6c&ab_channel=AlfonsoMO.

I think another piece of crucial fiction is the Forever War by Joe Haldeman. One key theme it brings up is "outsider" nature of military service (compounded with time dilatation of interstellar war.) How military life is so foreign to civilians that they can/will never understand or truly empathize.

I only have played/run Alien, Coriolis, GURPS, Mothership & Traveller. I think whatever you choose you are going to need to hack it. While stress is/should be a factor, I don't think in reality it is as debilitating in reality as it is in some fiction. There will always be a few individuals that succumb, but training, camaraderie and esprit de corps will negate many of those responses in battle. The real issues that strike military personnel is when they come "home" from war not freaking out when in combat.

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Fair, and spoken like a true marine!

Forever War sounds familiar... will investigate. And agree on the stress angle. You might like what Stay Frosty does -- heads for cinematic territory where 'going apeshit' can actually result in the marines being *more* badass. Stay tuned on that, as SF is the first game I'm going to look at.

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Appreciate the suggestions. Let me get through the initial stack and we'll see how much energy and desire I have to keep going!

Thousand Suns has been on my radar a long time... I need to give it a read.

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Jun 16Liked by Harrigan

That's fair!

The Grognardia articles on TS are worth a look too:


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I played a Savage Worlds (Explorer's Edition) game and was a space marine in powered armor. That was a good time and enjoyed the little bits of tinkering I could do to my suit and weapons over time.

Related (but I know you won't like it) I wonder how FFG Star Wars would handle something like this. The weapons and armor sections are robust and characters can start out as bad-asses...

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I can definitely see SWADE being a good fit, but I’ll admit I’m one the hunt for something a -little- lighter. Will keep it in mind though.

No comment on the FFG / Genesys angle. Just not my jam. ;)

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I can totally see that!

I wonder if there are some interesting Borg games related to this field. I'll admit that while I love the Borg offerings the sheer number of them became overwhelming pretty quickly!

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Yeah, I'm sure there are some out there, and just hacking CY_BORG, Vast Grimm and a few others would probably allow a pretty quick cobbling together of things. I'm think in general I'm looking for something that's a bit more grounded.

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Will your game include a chain of command?

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It will, insofar as it needs one. I know many folks steer clear of RPGs where there's a strict hierarchy, like in any military-style game, but it doesn't scare me off as as GM. I've run a lot of that kind of thing generally over the years and only had one bad experience because of the command structure.

Here though, everyone can kind of be grunts. There would be ranks and a local commander who has to deal with the distant commander and all the rest, but I think that stuff is manageable. I don't think it's any worse in a space marines game than a Battlestar Galactica style dogfights game, or even a Star Trek game.

Curious to hear your thoughts, though, Wayne...

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